Monday, June 17, 2013

Pinterest in the library for students: E-Books and Beyond.

Pinterest is serendipity as well as a graphic bookmarking tool. As a librarian guiding students to course resources I believe Pinterest is a useful way to offer access to research materials. I have created several boards with academic subjects and include library resource accessible through the student login. The idea is, as students Pin for their own "fun" they will run across research resources to help them in their academic work. In the Nursing Board  I have included library resources and images nursing students may find useful, humorous and fun. For more information on Pinterest check-out my Pinterest LibGuide. If you are considering Pinterest below is a list of ideas to use for academic Pinning!

Pinning Checklist:
  • Pinterest account settings
    Select how and when you'll be notified about re-pins, likes, and follows.
  • Respond to Re-pinners, contacts
    Visit, re-pin from, and follow pinner's boards, pins, and develop social interaction.
  • Pin resources students will use
    Library resource pins mingled with other related pins.
  • Check the links
    Be sure to proxy or manage links to be accessible from off-campus.
    EDIT Pins to correct 500 word content, links, etc.
  • Identify Pins that require login
    Notate pins that require user login.
  • Create course boards
    Invite students to Pin to course board.

    Pin course relevant content.
  • Create subject boards
    A goal is to create a mix of Pins, library resources, visual images of relevant information.
  • Pin weekly, daily, use a schedule.
    PIN content to your academic boards weekly, daily, monthly or as your schedule allows. This keeps your interaction "fresh" and findable by other Pin when you need to Pin.
    Re-Pin important Pins like catalogs and specific database images. 

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